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Collapse CBO - County Borough of OldhamCBO - County Borough of Oldham
Expand 1 - Council Minutes and Handbooks1 - Council Minutes and Handbooks
Expand 2 - Finance2 - Finance
Expand 3 - Law and Order3 - Law and Order
Expand 4 - County Borough of Oldham Surveyors / Planning4 - County Borough of Oldham Surveyors / Planning
Expand 5 - New Streets and Buildings5 - New Streets and Buildings
Expand 6 - Building Works6 - Building Works
Expand 7 - Gas7 - Gas
Expand 8 - Waterworks8 - Waterworks
Expand 9 - Lighting9 - Lighting
Expand 10 - Electricity10 - Electricity
Expand 11 - Sanitation and Health11 - Sanitation and Health
Expand 12 - Oldham Education Committee12 - Oldham Education Committee
Expand 13 - Carrying and Cleansing13 - Carrying and Cleansing
Expand 14 - Transport14 - Transport
Expand 15 - Housing15 - Housing
Expand 16 - Welfare 16 - Welfare
Expand 17 - Children17 - Children
Expand 18 - Parks and Cemeteries18 - Parks and Cemeteries
Expand 19 - Markets and Baths19 - Markets and Baths
Expand 20 - Libraries, Art Gallery and Museum20 - Libraries, Art Gallery and Museum
Expand 21 - Technical Education Committee21 - Technical Education Committee
Expand 22 - Establishment22 - Establishment
Expand 23 - Catering23 - Catering
Expand 24 - Occasional Committee24 - Occasional Committee
Expand 25 - Civil Defence and War-Time Measures25 - Civil Defence and War-Time Measures
Expand 26 - Charities26 - Charities
Expand 27 - Burial27 - Burial
Expand 28 - Oldham Town Lands28 - Oldham Town Lands
Expand 29 - Bardsley Parish Council29 - Bardsley Parish Council
Expand 30 - Town Clerks Department30 - Town Clerks Department
Collapse 31 - Public Assistance Committee31 - Public Assistance Committee
Expand 1 - Public Assistance Committee minutes1 - Public Assistance Committee minutes
Expand 2 - Finance and General Purposes Sub-committee2 - Finance and General Purposes Sub-committee
Expand 3 - Building Sub-committee3 - Building Sub-committee
Expand 4 - Children’s Homes Sub-committee 4 - Children’s Homes Sub-committee
Expand 5 - Institution Sub-committee5 - Institution Sub-committee
Expand 6 - Boarding Out Sub-committee6 - Boarding Out Sub-committee
Expand 7 - Casual and Mental Wards Sub-committee7 - Casual and Mental Wards Sub-committee
Expand 8 - General Relief Sub-committee8 - General Relief Sub-committee
Expand 9 - General Relief and Settlement Sub-committee9 - General Relief and Settlement Sub-committee
Expand 10 - Relief Repayments and Revision Sub-committee10 - Relief Repayments and Revision Sub-committee
Expand 11 - Settlement and Revision Sub-committee11 - Settlement and Revision Sub-committee
Expand 12 - Salaries Sub-committee12 - Salaries Sub-committee
Expand 13 - Patients’ Records13 - Patients’ Records
Collapse 14 - Miscellaneous14 - Miscellaneous
1 - Register of Patients in County Mental Hospitals
2 - Lancashire Public Assistance Committee, Oldham Area, minutes
3 - Lancashire Public Assistance Committee, Oldham Area, minutes
4 - Lancashire Public Assistance Committee, Revision sub-committee, minutes
5 - Lancashire Public Assistance Committee, Weekly Return to Public Assistance Officer
6 - Lancashire Public Assistance Committee, Boarding Out Sub-committee minutes
7 - Correspondence etc relating to coupon equivalent documents for uniforms for staff
8 - Staff Returns (Form L.27)
9 - Contracts: Correspondence etc relating to the provision of goods and services to the Public Assistance Committee, principally food items
10 - Correspondence etc relating to the organisation of Mayoral Sunday at Westwood Park Institution
11 - Correspondence etc relating to the provision of cotton goods and material for Westwood Park Institution
12 - Papers relating to a Return of Building an Civil Engineering Operatives Employes by Local Authorities
13 - Correspondence with the Borough Treasurer, J. H. Broadbent
14 - Correspondence etc relating to the issuing of health insurance cards and stamps to staff at [Westwood Park Institiute]
15 - Letters sent to Borough Treasurer indicating staff commencing and terminating duties at [Westwood Park Insitituion]
16 - Correspondence etc relating to points and permits (rationing)
17 - Application forms for various appointments
18 - Papers relating to clothing return (rationing) for [Westwood Park Institution]
19 - Correspondence etc relating to Westwood Park Institutions boilers and its insurance with the British Engine Boiler Insurance Company
20 - Petrol Returns (rationing)
21 - Petrol Return (rationing)
22 - Correspondence etc with the London, Midland and Scottish and Great Western Railway Companies
23 - Correspondence etc relating to milk and milk powder provision
24 - Papers relating to the ‘Industrial Ten’ (extra clothing coupons - rationing)
25 - Wireless licences for Westwood Park Institution
26 - Slaughtering licence for Westwood Park Hospital
27 - Catering licence for Westwood Park Institution
28 - Papers relating to a licence to store petrol
29 - Papers relating to the purchase of and maintenance of refrigerators at Westwood Park Institution
30 - Letter from Director of Welfare Services to Boundary Park General Hospital regarding Leyland Saloon Coach, BU 9064
31 - Ration vouchers for the British Arc Lamp Carbon Pool for Westwood Park Institution
32 - Financial estimates of income and expenditure of services remaining with the Local Authority and those to be transferred etc
33 - Collection of blank forms used by [Westwood Park Institution] to record the admission and movement of mental patients etc
34 - Circulars and Instructions relating to Patients’ reagrding topics such as National Insurance, education etc
35 - Miscellaneous papers and correspondence including Pensions Appeal Tribunal notes, medical test results for patients and papers relating to the organisation and running of the institution
36 - Correspondence and circulars etc relating to the change over to the National Health Service (N.H.S.)
37 - Letters sent to Ministry of Labour indicating staff commencing and terminating duties at [Westwood Park Insitituion]
38 - Letters sent to Borough Treasurer indicating staff commencing and terminating duties at [Westwood Park Insitituion]
39 - Notifications of P.A.Y.E. code numbers amendments for employees
40 - Income Tax Returns (Form P45, Part 2) and correspondence
41 - Steam plant and electrical insurance reports
42 - County Borough of Oldham estimated income and expenditure for the year ending 31 Mar 1944
44 - Fuel Returns (rationing)
45 - Correspondence regarding the rationing of food and goods etc
46 - Covering letters regarding committee lunch and tea accounts (no accounts included)
47 - Correspondence and returns relating to the Emergency Medical Service
48 - Papers relating to bread rationing - staff
49 - Papers relating to bread rationing (Institution)
50 - Agricultural returns and related papers
51 - Correspondence regarding wool control
52 - Papers relating to the annual patient outing
53 - Salvage returns (relating to the keeping of pigs)
54 - Correspondence relationg to soap rations
55 - Correspondence relation to the Disabled persons (Employment Act 1944)
56 - Report on remuneration of laundry staff
57 - Rules for the treatment of mental patients
58 - Papers relating to fire appliances and drills within the institution
59 - Correspondence etc relating to the civil nursing reserve
60 - Circular delegating clerical work to male and female attendants
61 - Papers relating to the National Joint Council for Staff of Hospitals and Allied Institution wages and conditions recommendations
62 - Notes etc relating to back pay for staff
63 - Notes on wages paid (summaries) to various class of staff including gross wage, superannuation and employer insurance
64 - Notes on wages paid (summaries) to various class of staff including gross wage, superannuation and employer insurance
65 - Correspondence and printed grading schemes relating to wages and salaries scales
66 - Report of Rushcliffe Committee on nurses salaries, includes correspondence regarding its implimentation
67 - Report of Rushcliffe Committee on scales of pay, includes correspondence regarding its implimentation
68 - Letters of appreciation from relatives of patients who died in the institution
69 - Patients X-ray and blood tests results etc
70 - Notes on the implications for staffing at the institution of the 48 hour week scheme
71 - Returns to the North Western Casual Poor Assistance Authority in respect of patients at Westwood Park Institution, Oldham
72 - Letter from the Regional Officer of the National Assiatance Board to the Master of Westwood Park Institiution regarding the use of reception centres by recipitents of National Assiatance Board allowances
73 - Evacuation Orders and medical cards for aged and infirm patients evacuated from London Boroughs. Includes orders from the Boroughs of Fulham, Islington, St. Marylebone and Bethnal Green
74 - Correspondence and blank forms relating to the implimentation of the Superannuation Acts Medical Examination
75 - Printed conditions relating to appointment of new staff, produced and distributed by the County Borough of Oldham
Expand 32 - Borough Coroner inquisitions, notices of death and other records32 - Borough Coroner inquisitions, notices of death and other records
Expand 33 - Town Hall Plans33 - Town Hall Plans
Expand 34 - Queen's Jubilee Committee34 - Queen's Jubilee Committee
Expand 35 - Ward Profiles35 - Ward Profiles
Expand 36 - Additional Records36 - Additional Records
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